EXODUS 31:13

Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the Lord, sanctify you.

Pastor Drew and Rebecca Burchett Morgan welcome you to Bel Air Church’s Sabbath Initiative!

Week 29: The Art of Saying No

Week 28

Week 22

Week 21

Week 20: Deeper Connections

Week 15

Sabbath Ret with Pastor Drew and Rebecca - Week 14

Sabbath Rest with Pastor Drew and Rebecca - Week 13

Sabbath Rest with Pastor Drew and Rebecca - Week 12

Sabbath Rest with Pastor Drew and Rebecca - Week 11

Week 9

the PRACTICE OF SABBATH is the act of temporarily disconnecting from things that detract from our ability to connect with god.

here are a few practical steps for practicing a sabbath:

  1. pray about what your Sabbath could look like. Ask God to show you what it could be. Write down a few ideas.

  2. Choose one day in your week that will be your sabbath. Ideally a 24 hour period, with no school or work on this day.

  3. Prepare for it ahead of time; let people know you won’t be working that day. It may be helpful to set up an auto-reply so that you’re not tempted to check email.

we all need help preparing for the work god has in store for us. A great way to begin this preparation is to simply take that time to connect with god, and to deepen our understanding of who god is.

Some examples of sabbath activities:

  • Begin your sabbath by lighting a candle and praying. Thank God for this sabbath practice and the invitation to rest.

  • Read scripture, journal your prayers, worship the lord.

  • Stretch, breathe slowly and deeply, pray.

  • Walk in nature.

  • Enjoy a delicious dinner with friends or family; incorporate your favorite foods, music, laughter, connect with each other, pray together.

  • What restores you? What leaves you feeling renewed? Where do you feel the peace of God? Do that!